
A Separate Reality Pt28 - Reading Don Juan - Carlos Castaneda Bk2 - Live78

Meeting: Meeting with Beena sidd, Syl Sabastian - 52m

Summary: Beena Sidd welcomed participants to Moreness-Culture, highlighting its purpose for sharing and personal growth, while emphasizing the innate quality of Moreness that everyone possesses. Syl Sabastian discussed the challenges of sharing Moreness in a competitive culture and stressed the importance of Self-Honesty and Perception in Learning and Growth, referencing Don Juan's teachings. Both speakers agreed that the topic of slowing down perception could be an excellent subject for a Syl TED Talk.

Key Points

  • Beena Sidd welcomes participants to the Moreness-Culture" and explains the purpose of the space created for sharing and personal growth. 0:26

  • Beena Sidd emphasizes the concept of Moreness, explaining that it is an innate quality everyone possesses but may not fully access. 3:49

  • Syl Sabastian introduces the topic of sharing Moreness, emphasizing its difficulty in a competitive culture. 14:10

  • Syl Sabastian explains the concept of Moreness-Culture and the importance of Acting-Without-Agenda as part of the Way-of-Impeccability program. 16:45

  • Syl Sabastian stresses the significance of Self-Honesty in Learning and Growth within Moreness-Culture. 24:20

  • Syl Sabastian emphasizes the significance of Don Juan's teachings about perceiving the world through our senses and Will, stating that this is a core value of Moreness-Culture. 31:33

  • Syl Sabastian shares Don Juan's perspective on Will as a connection between people and the world, emphasizing the role of Perception in this relationship. 45:00

  • Syl Sabastian acknowledges the importance of the topic of slowing down Perception, agreeing with Beena Sidd that it could be an excellent subject for a Syl TED Talk. 50:35

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