
Journey To Ixtlan P20 - Reading Don Juan - Carlos Castaneda Bk3 - Live121

Exploring concepts of Attunement and Power, with insights from Beena Sidd and Syl Sabastian.

Meeting: Meeting with Beena Sidd, Syl Sabastian, 1 Other - 58m

Purpose: Exploring concepts of Attunement and Power, with insights from Beena Sidd and Syl Sabastian.


Introduction to Self-Learning and Attunement • 3m

  • A culture-free space is introduced. Participants are encouraged to take advantage of the opportunity. 0:05

  • The concept of Awareness is discussed. The importance of utilizing Awareness is emphasized. 0:44

  • Attunement is identified as a key topic. The differences between being in flow and Attunement are clarified. 2:29

Language Nuances in Communication • 6m

  • The distinction between being in the flow and going with the flow is discussed. Effort is emphasized as necessary to maintain being in the flow. 3:43

  • Language habits are identified as influential on thinking habits. The importance of Listening to one's own words is highlighted. 4:36

  • The concept of Appropriateness in teamwork is elaborated. Examples from various contexts illustrate how Clarit-of-Intent leads to effective Collaboration. 7:12

Attunement and Personal Power • 3m

  • Death-as-an-Advisor is referenced. The concept of Leveraging oneself is discussed. 11:05

  • Discussion on the concept of Attunement. The importance of harmonizing with energies is emphasized. 12:41

Proactive Attunement and Metaphors • 5m

  • Beena Sidd reads from a text about a significant experience. The interaction with a dog is described as a moment of power. 14:51

  • Discussion on Attunement and Accessing-Power occurs. The concept of utilizing forces and energies is explained. 16:33

  • Syl Sabastian emphasizes the importance of being active in Attunement. The metaphor of a river guiding one is introduced. 18:37

Reflections on Past Experiences • 6m

  • A general sense of fatigue and melancholy is mentioned. Exceptionally vivid dreams and nightmares are also discussed. 19:26

  • Don Juan emphasizes not carrying things in hands while walking. A knapsack is recommended for carrying items instead. 23:12

  • Syl Sabastian reflects on the importance of Don Juan's advice. Personal experiences with carrying items while walking are shared. 24:06

Accessibility to Power and Transformation • 7m

  • The importance of Accessibility-to-Power is discussed. Making oneself Accessible is likened to being charged like a robot. 26:15

  • The challenges of letting go of the old self are explored. A metaphor about shedding skin is used to illustrate personal transformation. 29:40

  • The fear of the unknown is addressed. The potential for positive outcomes is emphasized despite initial dread. 31:39

Philosophical Discussion on Hunting • 5m

  • Discussion on the concept of being a Hunter. Emphasis is placed on the difference between physical hunting and abstract Hunting. 34:58

  • Carlos shares feelings of frustration and discomfort. The impact of vivid dreams and nightmares is discussed. 35:17

Hunter Versus Warrior Concepts • 5m

  • A distinction between a Hunter and a Warrior is made. The importance of Understanding these roles is emphasized. 38:31

  • Carlos expresses frustration regarding vivid dreams. Don Juan advises to let the dreams pass without concern. 39:24

  • The concept of Capital D Dreaming is introduced. A clear difference between ordinary dreaming and Dreaming with power is outlined. 41:23

Don Juan's Teachings on Power • 5m

  • The distinction between a Hunter and a warrior is discussed. The idea of Moreness is emphasized as a central concept. 45:13

  • The importance of Attunement in becoming a Warrior is highlighted. The conversation reflects on the accessibility of the Hunter role. 47:15

  • The significance of Anomalies in guiding individuals is mentioned. The discussion concludes with a reference to teaching how to be a Hunter. 48:22

Dreams and Reality from a Warrior's Perspective • 3m

  • A discussion about the nature of Dreams occurs. The concept of Dreams being real for a Warrior is introduced. 49:53

  • The idea of a Warrior as an immaculate Hunter is emphasized. The stakes involved in a Warrior's life are highlighted. 51:12

  • The significance of Deliberate-Action in Dreaming is explained. The ability to choose and reject in Dreams is asserted. 52:36

Interconnectedness of Algorithms and Empowerment • 5m

  • Discussion on the importance of algorithms is emphasized. Attention to online and Life-Algorithms is encouraged. 55:04

  • A connection between algorithms and Accessibility-to-Power is made. The concept of Moreness is introduced as an alternative to Power. 56:07

  • A recap of the discussion points is provided. The need for deliberate choices to avoid randomness in life is highlighted. 57:02

Key Takeaways:

  • Emphasis on the importance of Awareness: "You can never have too much Awareness." This highlights the need for continuous Learning and Self-Improvement within the organization. 0:44

  • Clarification of concepts: Distinction between "being in the flow" and "going with the flow." Understanding these nuances can enhance Communication and operational Strategies. 3:40

  • Focus on Attunement: "Attunement is the act of being in a place, harmonizing and being in a place where you can utilize the forces and energies of the world." This suggests a need to align organizational efforts with external opportunities for growth. 13:02

  • Agreement to continue exploring the concepts of Power and Attunement in future sessions, emphasizing their relevance to personal and organizational development. 54:31

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