
Journey To Ixtlan P9 - Reading Don Juan - Carlos Castaneda Bk3 - Live108

Exploring the principles of Moreness-Culture and its emphasis on Collaboration, Sharing, and Personal-Growth with Syl Sabastian and Beena Sidd.

Meeting: Meeting with Beena Sidd, Syl Sabastian, 1 Other - 1h 8m
Purpose: Exploring the principles of Moreness-Culture and its emphasis on Collaboration, Sharing, and Personal-Growth with Syl Sabastian and Beena Sidd.


Significance of Greetings in Moreness-Culture • 9m

  • A thought of the day is Shared. The importance of Self-Trust is emphasized. 1:05

  • The concept of Perception and its influence is discussed. The idea of viewing things Positively is highlighted. 5:23

Overcoming Fear and Building Self-Trust • 7m

  • Fear is identified as a barrier to Self-Trust. The importance of working on oneself is emphasized. 9:27

  • Moreness-Culture is explained as an alternative to superiority paradigm culture. The focus is on Collaboration rather than competition. 11:24

  • The significance of Clarity-of-Intent in discussions is highlighted. Collaboration is presented as a means to Resolve issues effectively. 15:38

Collaboration Over Competition for Success • 5m

  • Collaboration is emphasized as essential. Competing against each other is deemed counterproductive. 17:06

  • Moreness-Culture is defined as a supportive environment. The focus is on developing Awareness and multiple Perspectives. 21:22

Coexisting Perspectives and Conflict Resolution • 7m

  • Multiple Perspectives are emphasized as coexisting. This concept is linked to reducing conflict and promoting Understanding. 22:34

  • Moreness-Culture is described as transformative. It encourages collaboration and Personal-Development over competition. 24:18

  • Defining Moreness-Culture is acknowledged as complex. Focus is placed on abstract Conceptualities rather than specific traits. 24:51

Monist Culture and Carlos Castaneda's Works • 9m

  • Discussion centers on the concept of Moreness-Culture. The importance of Honesty in Understanding is emphasized. 31:01

  • Carlos Castaneda's prejudices are analyzed. The conflict between intelligence and perceived foolishness is explored. 33:18

  • The need for Self-Honesty in resolving conflicts is highlighted. Fear and greed are identified as barriers to Understanding. 35:25

Respect and Payment in Educational Relationships • 7m

  • Carlos expresses her desire to pay for information. Syl Sabastian highlights the control dynamics in Calos’ conversation. 43:03

  • A discussion about the importance of self-importance occurs. Beena Sidd reflects on her childhood experiences with tutors. 43:13

  • Carlos describes an encounter with an “informant.” The informant's reaction to a payment offer is shared. 45:03

Impact of Eccentric Behavior on Perception • 9m

  • Concerns about Carlos's mental state are discussed. The implications of being perceived as crazy are explored. 50:14

  • The significance of self-importance as an obstacle is highlighted. The context of the 1960s and the evolving cultural landscape is examined. 53:21

  • The conversation shifts to the impact of the hippie movement. The exploration of Self-Growth and consciousness expansion is emphasized. 54:11

Self-Importance as an Obstacle to Growth • 4m

  • Self-importance is discussed as an obstacle. The importance of Application over intellectual understanding is highlighted. 55:40

  • A personal confrontation leads to feelings of apprehension. The inability to Apply learned concepts is emphasized. 56:28

  • A significant gaze from Don Juan creates discomfort for Carlos. The importance of ceasing to fight against the confrontation is noted. 1:00:14

Challenges of Embracing New Ideas • 7m

  • A discussion about the challenges of Understanding new ideas occurs. The importance of Collaboration over conflict is emphasized. 1:01:01

  • Beena Sidd reflects on the fixed mindset of individuals when faced with new concepts. The tendency to perceive unfamiliar ideas as threats is highlighted. 1:03:24

  • Syl Sabastian points out the obstacles created by ego in Understanding new perspectives. The conversation concludes with a focus on the necessity of growth and openness. 1:05:42


  • Emphasis on the importance of Self-Trust and overcoming the fear of new experiences. "When you have enough self-trust, you don't feel bothered by anything." 6:19

  • Recognition that multiple coexisting perspectives are essential in Moreness-Culture, which can eliminate conflicts and promote Collaboration. "In Moreness-Culture, multiple perspectives can coexist and they all can be Appropriate." 22:33

  • Understanding that Personal -Development and Character-Growth are central to Moreness-Culture, moving away from competitive paradigms. "Moreness-Culture is about Collaboration, Sharing, Appreciation, and Personal-Growth." 28:02

  • Agreement to continue exploring the themes of Moreness-Culture and Personal-Development in future sessions. 1:07:21

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    #CapitalRReading #DonJuan #CarlosCastaneda #TheTeachingsOfDonJuan #ASeparateReality #JourneyToIxtlan #Impeccability #MorenessLiving #MorenessPsychology #Strategy #SelfHelp #PersonalDevelopment #SelfGrowth #SelfImprovement #PersonalEmpowerment #SelfDiscovery #PersonalPhilosophy #PersonalPsychology #NobeliaLiving #Appropriateness #MorenessCulture #EthicalLiving #Nobleness #WayOfImpeccability #Moreness #MorenessProject #Exquisiteness #ExquisitenessOfBeing #SelfExpansion #Nobleness #Nobility #BeingNoble #TheNewNobles #TheNobleIdeal #Nobelia #NobeliaLiving #NobleAspirations #Awareness #Discernment #Understanding #NobleVision #PersonalVision #MorenessVision #IntentToGoodness #ExamplesOfBeing #AlternativeParadigm #MorenessParadigm #LanguageOfConceptionality #MorenessThinking #PerspectiveShifting #Motivation #MorenessLiving #TheNEWNobility #Ethics #ClarityOfIntent #PurposeOfLife #CapitalizedConceptions #BookTok #Audio #FreeAudio

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