
A Separate Reality Pt12 - Reading Don Juan - Carlos Castaneda Bk2 - Live 62

Meeting: Meeting with Beena Sidd, Syl Sabastian - #MorenessProject - 1h 3m


Beena Sidd emphasizes the importance of a Capital R Reading of Carlos Castaneda's work, defending Don Juan's character as a source of energy and strength that challenges youth perspectives. Syl Sabastian critiques the shallow values of equating wealth with happiness, advocating for a deeper Understanding of Life through the concept of Moreness. Both speakers highlight the significance of Perspective-Shifting and Awareness in discovering deeper meanings beyond the obvious.

Key Points

  • Beena Sidd explains that the main focus of their project is a Capital R Reading of Carlos Castaneda's book about Don Juan, emphasizing its Value. 1:43

  • Beena Sidd shares her observations on rap culture and TikTok, highlighting how these cultures are defined by their unique languages and philosophies rather than ethnicity or nationality. 9:01

  • Carlos defends Don Juan's character, asserting that he remains energetic and strong despite his age, challenging the young men's views. 21:04

  • Syl Sabastian critiques the shallow mindset of Benigno and Lucio, who equate wealth and possessions with happiness, stressing the importance of deeper values. 25:48

  • Beena Sidd discusses the concept of Moreness and how it allows individuals to perceive beyond the obvious, emphasizing the importance of exercising choices in life. 28:12

  • Syl Sabastian elaborates on the idea of seeking Moreness in Life, contrasting it with traditional routes to wealth and discussing Don Juan's story as an example of finding deeper meaning. 29:08

  • Beena Sidd discusses the concept of bubbles in Awareness, emphasizing that everyone has a bubble mindset and that understanding this can be life-changing. 54:31

  • Syl Sabastian highlights the power of Perspective-Shifting, stating that realizing the sublime exists in the mundane connects individuals to deeper meanings. 56:18

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