Meeting with Beena Sidd, Syl Sabastian - #MorenessProject - Recorded on Apr 15, 10:01 AM. Summary: Syl and Beena discusses the importance of reducing wants and focusing on Intent as a universal force for true Freedom and Sensibility. They also emphasized the need to acknowledge negativity and change systems. Syl also mentioned the potential dangers of manipulation and not wanting harm.
Key Points:
• Syl introduces the concept of sophistication in focusing on Moreness and the New Nobility's culture, which prioritizes Self-Improvement, Integrity, Discernment, and depth. (7:39)
• Syl explains the balance between idealism and realism, highlighting the importance of being Realistic while acknowledging the potential for lessness but striving for Moreness. (8:20)
• Syl emphasizes the importance of Appropriate Emphasis, understanding negativity, and the need to change systems, using examples like interspecies friendships to highlight the power of paying attention to Anomalies. (16:33)
• Syl and Beena delve into a discussion about reducing wants to nothing, distinguishing between wants and Intents, with Syl emphasizing Intent as a universal force and Intent to Transcendence. (28:50)
• Syl explains the concept of Intent as a universal force akin to gravity, detailing how it creates reality and transcends limitations. (54:04)
• Beena explores the philosophy of not wanting, emphasizing the Awareness of limitations in desires and the imperative nature of unhooking from unreliable wants. (1:13:43)
• Beena explains the Understanding of reducing wants to nothing for true freedom and sensibility in the context of infinity. (1:33:09)
• Syl asserts that there are things worse than death, leading to a discussion with inner aspects about the implications of not wanting harm and the dangers of manipulation. (1:53:37)
Next Steps:
• Syl Sabastian to ask Makayla to comment and participate in the discussion daily, encouraging her to share repeat backs and takeaways to comprehend and apply the learnings in her life. (39:07)
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